A Beginner's Guide to Backyard Soil
Peter W Flint Peter W Flint

A Beginner's Guide to Backyard Soil

Texture is the most basic way we discuss soil, specifically its range between a coarse texture, called sand, and a fine texture, called clay. In between is an intermediary texture known as silt. These categories are determined purely based on particle size and nothing else.

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An Introduction to Backyard Soil
Peter W Flint Peter W Flint

An Introduction to Backyard Soil

The trouble with taking an interest in soil is the ubiquity of the term in relation to its application. If you consult with someone about your soil type, you may get 8-10 different answers. You might have hydric soil. Or acidic soil. Or sandy soil. This isn't anyone's fault. It results from the fact that soil is intrinsic to our everyday experience and has therefore been studied from a variety of angles. All of these terms describe a dimension of soil, but are not a complete picture of a soil type.

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